Should You Move to a Cloud-Based Point of Sale?

As technologies continue to move to the cloud, point of sale (POS) systems are following that trend and becoming increasingly cloud-based. Cloud-based POS systems can offer many advantages over the more traditional “hardwired” systems.

The greatest advantage with perhaps the largest impact to business owners is cost. POS becomes a low monthly fixed cost system with all services included.

POS systems can now be streamlined networks that connect to mobile systems and software that provide multiple data points about consumers. With this kind of information, businesses can drive highly-customized, automated loyalty programs.

The system can also be accessed online from anywhere and like traditional POS, can be integrated with hardware and peripherals like cash drawers, scanners and printers. By interconnecting every part of the system, you minimize friction throughout the process.

So what are the major advantages to cloud-based POS?

  • Cost: Cloud-based POS systems cost significantly less than their traditional counterparts because configuration costs are lower.
  • Convenience: Owners can access customer data anywhere they can connect to WiFi.
  • Centralized Data: All of your data is stored in one place, and can be accessed virtually.
  • Security: Since everything is stored in the cloud, you don’t have to worry about certain network vulnerabilities that exist with other traditional systems.

In general, using cloud-based POS systems give your business flexibility. By streamlining the hardware and networks used to run your sales, you can remove multiple opportunities for human error, cyberthreats, and system breakdowns. Combine these benefits with the other features of mobile POS, and you have an easy business decision in bringing your POS to the most up-to-date infrastructures in the cloud.

Ready to upgrade your POS? Download our POS Checklist to see if moving your system to the cloud is the right decision for you.



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